

Welcome to my blog! My name is Vicki Jones Cole.  In 2001 I published a manual titled “First Lessons in Christian Science, Volume One: The Ten Commandments.”  It was sold through my web site  and direct mail orders.  Following the first volume, I wrote and sold “Volume Two: The Beatitudes” and “Volume Three: The Lord’s Prayer.”

Although the books have been available to those outside the United States, the postage and shipping issues have made it difficult to get to an international audience, which I believe could benefit from the helpful, in-depth lessons these books provide for those who wish to teach their children or Sunday School students the “first lessons” in Christian Science.  Therefore, after many years selling the books, I have decided to make them available for free by serializing the books, posting sections and lessons individually, so that those who have been unable to buy the books may now have free access to the lessons.

Update:  These books are now available for sale as downloadable pdf files in their original format at The Bookmark.  Visit my author’s page there at www.thebookmark.com.

Explanatory pages and Background material for each book:

To read the previous lessons posted from each book, go to the top of any page and click on the
book title.  Or come back here to the About page.  There is one page each for the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, and the Lord’s Prayer.  On each page you will find the posts in chronological order, and included will be the Introductory pages from the original books, plus background material useful in teaching these “first lessons” in Christian Science.  As more lessons are posted, they will be added to the lists.

These books are under copyright and I do not give permission for others to copy in order to sell the lessons.  They are now meant to be given freely, with love.

Importance of teaching the First Lessons

Since publishing my book on the Ten Commandments, I came across a reprint of an item found in the July 6, 1935 issue of the Christian Science Sentinel. It contained portions of a letter written by Mary Baker Eddy’s secretarial staff in response to questions about the By-Law “Subject for Lessons.” The letters certainly reinforced the idea that the “first lessons” need to be studied and practiced, not just memorized. Although the message is intended for Sunday School teachers, it is just as useful for those parents teaching the lessons at home. One letter reads in part:

When our Leader gave the By-Law on “Subjects for Lessons” in the Sunday School, it was not her intention to limit Sunday school instruction to the routine of memorizing the letter of the designated portions of the Scriptures. She meant that the children should be taught the meaning of the Ten Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer and its Spiritual Interpretation, and the Beatitudes.

These spiritual fundamentals should be so set forth by means of practical illustrations and everyday examples of love, obedience, and good, that the child will catch their spirit, understand them, and as a result be interested in them.

This work you will readily perceive, requires consecrated and intelligent effort on the part of all connected with the Sunday School. It means the demonstration of that love which does things. To teach a child the words, ‘Thou shalt have no other gods before me,’ is a comparatively easy task. To teach a child the meaning of that commandment so thoroughly that he can and will prove in his living that he actually has no other gods before good, is the grand privilege of the Christian Science Sunday School teacher.

New:  In addition to the three books, the blog archive now includes individual essays relating to the “First Lessons” or other Sunday School topics, plus Questions and Answers on Christian Science.  That page also includes links to outside web sites of interest.

To contact me with any questions, please use the Contact form below.


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